It is our ultimate hope that through the ripples of outreach, this film becomes a toolkit and knowledge basket for intergenerational Indigenous healing journeys, while simultaneously holding a beacon of understanding and inspired action for our settler allies.
We are at a place in time where every human who walks this Earth is beginning to understand the depths of trauma deeply engrained from the systems we’ve been brought up in. While Indigenous peoples have experienced immense colonial harm to their lands, waters, bodies and spirits; they graciously continue to uphold sacred teachings for the sake of all who walk beside them. Our intended audiences are a balance of Indigenous communities through intergenerational families and settler allies who are ready for another layer of truth before reconcili-ACTION.
Our goal is to inspire meaningful dialogue that carries back home to the kitchen table, where we witness true change begin to happen. Sacred stories carry the power to heal, inspire and empower the next generations of dreamers, weavers and warriors.

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The Indigenous Creators
"We can heal ourselves and our families in three generations if we keep this a sacred priority."
~ Wenecwtsin